APP FOR DEVELOPERS – see note below.
The LEADTOOLS Check Scanner application performs super-fast and accurate Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) on checks and images, automatically detects and extracts MICR E-13B text, and shows the extracted MICR line fields for the read MICR code.
This application can do the following:
• Recognize MICR codes from images/checks using live capture from your camera
• Recognize MICR codes from still frame images from your camera
• Recognize MICR codes from images in the gallery
• Show the part of the original image that contains the MICR code area and the extracted MICR code fields such as: Transit, Amount, On-Us, Account number, EPC and Routing
• Select, highlight, copy and paste the text, as well as the full MICR string
• Export recognized images to your photo library, send via email, or to any installed applications that support PNGs.
NOTE: This is one of the applications that is provided with source code in LEADTOOLS, the award-winning SDK for programmers. This application is built using the LEADTOOLS Advantage OCR engine. This app is intended to show developers some of the many capabilities that they can integrate into their own applications using LEADTOOLS. For more information or to download a free evaluation SDK of our full toolkit, including the source code for this app, visit:
We love your feedback! Please feel free to share it with us anytime at:
APP UNTUK PENGEMBANG - lihat catatan di bawah.
Aplikasi LeadTools Scanner Periksa melakukan super cepat dan akurat Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) pada cek dan gambar, secara otomatis mendeteksi dan ekstrak MICR E-13B teks, dan menunjukkan bidang garis MICR yang diekstraksi untuk kode membaca MICR.
Aplikasi ini dapat melakukan hal berikut:
• Kenali kode MICR dari gambar / cek menggunakan capture langsung dari kamera Anda
• Kenali kode MICR dari masih bingkai foto dari kamera Anda
• Kenali kode MICR dari gambar di galeri
• Tampilkan bagian dari gambar asli yang berisi kode area MICR dan MICR diekstrak bidang kode seperti: Transit, Jumlah, On-Us, nomor rekening, EPC dan Routing
• Pilih, sorot, copy dan paste teks, serta MICR string lengkap
• Ekspor diakui gambar ke perpustakaan foto Anda, kirim melalui email, atau untuk setiap aplikasi yang terinstal yang mendukung PNG.
CATATAN: Ini adalah salah satu aplikasi yang disediakan dengan kode sumber di LeadTools, SDK pemenang penghargaan untuk programmer. Aplikasi ini dibangun menggunakan LeadTools Keuntungan OCR engine. Aplikasi ini dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan pengembang beberapa dari banyak kemampuan yang mereka dapat mengintegrasikan ke dalam aplikasi mereka sendiri dengan menggunakan LeadTools. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau untuk men-download evaluasi SDK bebas dari toolkit lengkap kami, termasuk kode sumber untuk aplikasi ini, kunjungi:
Kami mencintai tanggapan Anda! Silahkan berbagi dengan kami kapan saja di:
APP FOR DEVELOPERS – see note below.
The LEADTOOLS Check Scanner application performs super-fast and accurate Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) on checks and images, automatically detects and extracts MICR E-13B text, and shows the extracted MICR line fields for the read MICR code.
This application can do the following:
• Recognize MICR codes from images/checks using live capture from your camera
• Recognize MICR codes from still frame images from your camera
• Recognize MICR codes from images in the gallery
• Show the part of the original image that contains the MICR code area and the extracted MICR code fields such as: Transit, Amount, On-Us, Account number, EPC and Routing
• Select, highlight, copy and paste the text, as well as the full MICR string
• Export recognized images to your photo library, send via email, or to any installed applications that support PNGs.
NOTE: This is one of the applications that is provided with source code in LEADTOOLS, the award-winning SDK for programmers. This application is built using the LEADTOOLS Advantage OCR engine. This app is intended to show developers some of the many capabilities that they can integrate into their own applications using LEADTOOLS. For more information or to download a free evaluation SDK of our full toolkit, including the source code for this app, visit:
We love your feedback! Please feel free to share it with us anytime at: